Wowzers! I needed 20 rags to get the 8 inch think layer of dust off this blog! It's been nearly 2 years since I wrote up my first half marathon report from Chicago (oh the memories!) and a full year since I wrote about the beginning of my training for my second half marathon (Hellllo lovely Lincoln!) and gee...not even touching on all the little races I've done in between, including my THIRD half marathon (walked it...NEVER AGAIN will I EVER EVER do something that stupid!).
Might I add that I've gotten my non-running husband to join me in the misery of a few races and I've even conjured my two kidlets into thinking running is FUN (!!!) and have gotten them into a few 5k's as well.
Ahhh, I'm back. I may write about my races, my running, or heck, just what life has been like over the past two years... Join me once again. I may even throw in a photo or 20 for good entertainment! :)
Missed ya!