I decided to do my 3 miles outside today because the last time I went to the gym and did the treadmill I nearly gagged on all the old timer smells that were filling the air. Please don't get me wrong...I love old people. They are so cute in their little jogging outfits, and I always smile at them sweetly when I pass them. For the most part they are always so happy and cheerful and it actually makes me happy to see them out exercising. Now I understand that when you get a little older, your sense of smell goes, but why in the sweet name of Jesus do some of them have to put on perfume or cologne?! Like a gallon?!?! Some of them even have hair slicking stuff on...that I CAN SMELL. Maybe I have a bionic sense of smell, but I'm super sensitive to any scent when I run and sometimes even the heavy smell of wet hay or weeds when I run outside will make me gag. To prevent this, I like to run inside on some days, so you can possibly see my aggravation when little old lady Gladys has massive amounts of powdery rose smelling perfume on. What's worse? The blond bimbo with a full face full of oil thick make up and sprays upon sprays of Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth perfume who prances into the gym, doesn't really do much but fix her hair every two seconds and sips on a water bottle. Sheesh. I just can't seem to win. I'm going to have to start wearing a creepy Michael Jackson face mask every time I run. That would really look great.
Anyway...where was I??? I had to wait til almost 9am because of dropping the kids off at day camp and VBS. When I run outside I like to run early...as in 5:30am early, so having to wait til 9am almost seems torture. The sun was ablaze already and I felt waaaaay sloooooow and waaaaay tirrrrred this morning.
I set out and picked a trail I hadn't done before. I *looked* flat enough to me. Turns out that "flat enough" wasn't flat, or at least it didn't feel like it today to my legs that felt like led. I pushed on through and like usual, felt nice and warmed up right as it was time to end. Go figure.
I ran 3.11 and cooled down with a nice walk and a bunch of water. My face feels sunburn, which I hope it's not. I wore a hat, Chapstick, and sunglasses to help protect, but I forgot my sunscreen. Must remember to keep some in the car.
I'm glad that's over with because I really need a rest day. Saturday I have my BIG 10 to do. I'm partially dreading it because right now I can't possibly imagine being able to run 10 miles straight, but I'm also excited because I KNOW I'm going to succeed and I'm going to be so freakin proud of myself when I'm done. I may not be able to move for the rest of the day, but I'll be proud nonetheless.
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