.The Art of Becoming Myself.

Love it all. The Fear, the excitement, the guilt, the power for change. The unworthiness, the hurt feelings, the euphoric feelings, the anger, the movement, the whole process. It's known as Life.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Colds, and Catching up.

Okay, so I fully apologize for the lack of posting, but life has been wild crazy busy for us the last few months!

There isn't too much to report in the running department due to being injured (toenail removal...OMG OUCH times a million) but after nearly 3 weeks of re-cooping, I did manage to run the Omaha Marathon 10k and the Komen Race for the Cure 5k. I felt like both my times were kinda sucky, but at least I finished them, which is all I really wanted to do.

My current plan is to work on losing 20 more lbs (9 lbs down, 11 more to go!), then in late January, early February I'll start half marathon training again for the Lincoln half marathon in May. I haven't run too much over the last few months, a few short 1-3 milers sporadically mixed in within my schedule, but nothing major. I'm actually enjoying the shorter runs because it gives me time to actually enjoy it, rather than dread all the miles. I'm not pushing myself right now because I know that soon enough I'll be back to the "schedule." On Thanksgiving we're running a turkey trot 5k, which means I get dibs on an extra piece of pumpkin pie, right?! Other than that, I am a little happy that cooler weather is here because I love to run in the cold. I guess I'm crazy like that! I bought new running gloves and a running hat so I'm eagerly awaiting my next brisk morning run in the cold weather.

I started school again so I'm in class twice a week and that makes our weekly family schedule just crazy! My son has karate twice a week, and scouts each week as well, and then add in homework and general life and we barely have time for much these days. We certainly try to enjoy our weekends, that's for sure!

Well, that's all for now...hopefully I'll post again more, soon. I'm hoping this cold scrams fast!!!!

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