.The Art of Becoming Myself.

Love it all. The Fear, the excitement, the guilt, the power for change. The unworthiness, the hurt feelings, the euphoric feelings, the anger, the movement, the whole process. It's known as Life.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 6

Monday morning and all I wanted to do was sleep. Got up, ran 4 (a good 4!), now sitting on sofa like a zombie wishing my coffee was already finished. Must get into shower...hair appointment later this morning. It's been too long since I had my hair done so I'm looking forward to some pizazz!

Two things:
1. Had another "best mile yet" during this mornings 4.
2. Had a GU gel on an empty stomach and it worked just great...no problems.

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Love getting my hair done! Have an appt tomorrow actually. :)

    P.S. GREAT JOB!!

